Arctic Life

Arctic Life

Arvaaq Press publishes books that reflect life in the North. Many of our titles can be incorporated into units on Canadian and Indigenous history, heritage, culture, and traditional stories. Both our fiction and non-fiction books provide perspectives on life in the Arctic, past and present.
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Things That Keep Us Warm
Level 4 Learn how people stay warm during the long Arctic winters.This book uses simple sentences to describe items common...
Lighting the Qulliq
Written by Monica IttusardjuatIllustrated by Yong Ling KangLevel 1 How do you light the qulliq? This wordless sequence book shows...
What I Do at School
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 4 What do you do at school? This book uses simple action words to describe what...
Jobs in the Arctic
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 3 What are some jobs people have in the North? This book features different jobs people...
One Ulu, Two Kamiik
Illustrated by Megan Kyak-MonteithLevel 3 Let's count to 10! This book helps children practise counting by showing a different number...
Food I Like to Eat
Illustrated by Megan Kyak-MonteithLevel 4 What do you like to eat? This book features some of the foods people eat...
What I Do at Home
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 4 What do you do at home? This book uses simple action words to describe what...
Places in the Community
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 3 What is in your community? This book features the names of different places in a...
Making Pancakes
Illustrated by Ali HinchLevel 1 This sequence book features a girl preparing pancakes. Colourful illustrations keep students turning the pages...
Country Food
Illustrated by Aija Aiofe KomangapikLevel 3 Learn about the country foods people eat in the North. This book features different...
Food We Get from the Land and Sea
Level 4 Learn about some of the country foods people eat in the Arctic. In the North, a lot of...
Trip to the Playground
Level 1 This wordless sequence book features a boy going to the playground, trying out all the different equipment and...