

Explore some of our bestselling titles over the years with favourites that include traditional stories, graphic novels, board books, memoirs, informational books, social emotional learning stories, and more!
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Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection (Volume 1)
MOONSHOT: The Indigenous Comics Collection brings together dozens of creators from North America to contribute comic book stories showcasing the rich...
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Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection (Volume 2)
MOONSHOT: The Indigenous Comics Collection brings together dozens of creators from North America to contribute comic book stories showcasing the...
Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection (Volume 3)
Edited by Elizabeth LaPensée and Michael Sheyahshe MOONSHOT: The Indigenous Comics Collection brings together dozens of creators from North America to...
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Reflections from Them Days: A Residential School Memoir from Nunatsiavut
As told by Nellie WintersTranscribed and edited by Erica Obendorfer When Nellie Winters was 11 years old, she was sent...
Making a Whole Person: Traditional Inuit Education
Written by Monica IttusardjuatIllustrated by Yong Ling Kang "Before schools were introduced to the Inuit, we were taught by our...
Dinosaurs of the Arctic
Written by Dana HopkinsIllustrated by Aaron EdzerzaLevel 11 Learn about dinosaurs that lived in the North! This book gives interesting...
Maakusie Loves Music
Written by Chelsey June and Jaaji of Twin FlamesIllustrated by Tamara Campeau Level 12-14 Maakusie loves music! But what makes music in...
When I Was Young in Nunavut
Written by Deborah Kigjugalik WebsterIllustrated by Natasha DonovanLevel 12 In Nunavut, there are lots of fun things to do, no...
Berry Picking at Four Mile Bay
Written by Barbara AdjunIllustrated by Kagan McLeodLevel 13 When Nekaloakyok was a young girl, she loved going berry picking with...
Sometimes I Feel Sad
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 9 Ptarmigan is so excited to go berry picking with Muskox. But when it starts to...
Sometimes I Feel Angry
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 9 When her friends won't share their toys, Snow Bunting becomes very angry! How can she...
Inuit Games
Written by Thomas Anguti JohnstonIllustrated by Sigmundur ThorgeirssonLevel 11 Inuit games have been played as long as anyone can remember!...