Indigenous Authors

Indigenous Authors

Browse our books by Indigenous authors. Many of our titles are written by Inuit authors, including traditional stories, memoirs, non-fiction books, and contemporary stories. We also have three volumes of Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection, which features comic book stories by contributors from across North America showcasing the rich heritage and identity of Indigenous storytelling.
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Sometimes I Feel Worried
Written by Nadia SammurtokIllustrated by Amiel Sandland Level 10 Uka likes learning and works very hard in school. But when...
Palluq and Aksaajuq Help Their Anaana
Written by Jeela Palluq-CloutierIllustrated by Michelle SimpsonLevel 10 Palluq and Aksaajuq know it is important to help out. See how...
Palluq and Inuluk Go Hunting with Their Ataata
Written by Jeela Palluq-CloutierIllustrated by Michelle SimpsonLevel 10 Palluq is going seal hunting with his older brother, Inuluk, and his...
Palluq and Qiliqti Help Their Anaanatsiaq
Written by Jeela Palluq-CloutierIllustrated by Michelle SimpsonLevel 10 Palluq and his cousin Qiliqti love helping their anaanatsiaq! They are excited...
Celebrations in Nunavut
Written by Aviaq JohnstonIllustrated by Lenny LishchenkoLevel 10 In Nunavut, there are a lot of things to celebrate! This book...
Grandma, What's an Ulu For?
Written by Jeanie JoanasieIllustrated by Ali HinchLevel 10 Ulus are used for a lot of things! In this book, a...