Indigenous Authors

Indigenous Authors

Browse our books by Indigenous authors. Many of our titles are written by Inuit authors, including traditional stories, memoirs, non-fiction books, and contemporary stories. We also have three volumes of Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection, which features comic book stories by contributors from across North America showcasing the rich heritage and identity of Indigenous storytelling.
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Inuit Games
Written by Thomas Anguti JohnstonIllustrated by Sigmundur ThorgeirssonLevel 11 Inuit games have been played as long as anyone can remember!...
Lena and Ruby
Written by Kevin Qamaniq-Mason and Mary Qamaniq-Mason Illustrated by Marcus CutlerLevel 11 Lena and Ruby are best friends. They love...
Showing You Care
Written by Aviaq JohnstonIllustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 11 Tuka likes to help his friends, but he does not always like...
My Bravo
Written by Jordan KyakIllustrated by Steve JamesLevel 11 Jordan loves driving his Bravo! It might be small, but it is...
Traditional Inuit Clothing
Written by Nadia MikeLevel 11 Living in the North requires very special clothing to stay warm and move easily over...