Indigenous Authors

Indigenous Authors

Browse our books by Indigenous authors. Many of our titles are written by Inuit authors, including traditional stories, memoirs, non-fiction books, and contemporary stories. We also have three volumes of Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection, which features comic book stories by contributors from across North America showcasing the rich heritage and identity of Indigenous storytelling.
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At the Playground
Written by Louise FlahertyIllustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 7 What do you see at the playground? While Tauja and her mom...
What We Like to Do
Written by Monica Ittusardjuat and Kathy KnowlesLevel 7 What do you like to do? Utak is from Nunavut. Peace is...
Celebrating Toonik Tyme
Written by Nadia SammurtokIllustrated by Tim MackLevel 7 Toonik Tyme is a lot of fun! This book describes different things...