

Browse our Inuktitut titles. All of our publications are developed by a team of Northern educators and language experts. We also publish our titles in English, French, Inuinnaqtun, and bilingual editions.
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Siku & Kamik Go to School
Written by Neil ChristopherIllustrated by Andrew TrabboldLevel 6 Siku and Kamik are good dogs. They want to go to school...
Going Fishing
Written by Maren Vsetula Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 6 A lot of fun things can happen when a little girl...
Where We Walk
Illustrated by Megan Kyak-MonteithLevel 6 Where do you like to walk? This book helps children practise prepositions by describing where...
When I'm Sad
Illustrated by Charlene ChuaLevel 6What do you do when you feel sad? This book shows different activities a child does...
Inside and Outside
Illustrated by Ali HinchLevel 6 Do you like to play inside or outside? In this book, two children in Nunavut...
Looking for Friends
Written by Neil Christopher Illustrated by Emma PedersenLevel 6 Where are my friends? Find out what Mia and her monster...