Traditional Stories

Traditional Stories

Inuit traditional stories have been passed on from person to person for generations in the North. These stories are part of Inuit oral history and are encoded with traditional knowledge and Inuit values. They may teach a cautionary lesson, explain how something came to be, or tell of legendary creatures and great journeys.
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On the Shoulder of a Giant Big Book
Written by Neil ChristopherIllustrated by Jim NelsonLevel 11 This pan-Arctic Inuit legend, which tells the story of a friendly giant,...
The Orphan and the Qallupilluit
Written by Neil ChristopherIllustrated by Jim NelsonLevel 11 Follow the orphan on another adventure! After saving the children at his...
The Orphan and the Polar Bear Big Book
Retold by Sakiasi QaunaqIllustrated by Eva WidermannLevel 11 An orphaned boy abandoned on the sea ice by a cruel hunter...
The Shaman Who Became Many Animals
Adapted by Jaypeetee ArnakakIllustrated by Tindur Peturs and Sigmundur Thorgeirsson How did Inuit come to know so much about Arctic...
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Ullak and the Creatures of the Sea
Written by Suzie Napayok-ShortIllustrated by Sho Uehara Level 15 Sanna, the powerful Mother of the Sea from Inuit traditional stories, is brought...
Wolf, Gull, and Raven
Adapted by Barbara Olson Illustrated by Amiel Sandland “Long ago, there was a wolf, a gull, and a raven.”Wolf, Gull,...
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The Great Giants of the Arctic
Written by Jaypeetee Arnakak and Neil ChristopherIllustrated by Kaja Kajfež “Long ago, there lived great giants in the Arctic.”But where...
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