Year 1 Emergent Stream | 13771: Inuktut Reading (Inuktitut)

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Going on the Land
Illustrated by Lenny LishchenkoLevel 7 What do we need to pack to go on the land? This book shares some...
Grandma, How Do You Light the Qulliq?
Written by Jeanie JoanasieIllustrated by Ali HinchLevel 9 Learn all about the history and traditional uses of the qulliq. In...
Nanuq Learns to Share
Written and illustrated by Ali HinchLevel 8 Nanuq is ready for a big meal! But his little brother, Nuka, is...
What We See on the Land
Illustrated by Megan Kyak-MonteithLevel 7 We can see a lot of interesting things on the land. This book describes what...
Ukaliq and Kalla's Hunting Tools
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 5 Best friends Ukaliq and Kalla are going hunting! This illustrated book teaches the names of...
Things in the Classroom
Illustrated by Ali HinchLevel 3 What do you see in your classroom? This book features common items found in a...
What We See
Illustrated by Lenny LishchenkoLevel 5 There is a lot to see in Nunavut! This book explores different parts of the...
Inside and Outside
Illustrated by Ali HinchLevel 6 Do you like to play inside or outside? In this book, two children in Nunavut...
My Day
Illustrated by Ali HinchLevel 5 What do you do all day? This book shows what a child does on a...
At the Fire Station
Level 5 Learn what firefighters use to help keep us safe! This book follow a tour through a fire station...