Year 1 Emergent Stream | 13771: Inuktut Reading (Inuktitut)

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Inuit Games
Written by Thomas Anguti JohnstonIllustrated by Sigmundur ThorgeirssonLevel 11 Inuit games have been played as long as anyone can remember!...
Things That Keep Us Warm
Level 4 Learn how people stay warm during the long Arctic winters.This book uses simple sentences to describe items common...
The Northern Lights
Level 8 Learn all about the northern lights! This book is an introduction to the northern lights, what they look...
Structures in the Arctic
Written by Ibi KaslikLevel 8 Learn about the different structures you can see every day in the North! This non-fiction...
What We Do in Our Community
Illustrated by Ali HinchLevel 7 What do you do in your community? This book describes different activities children do in...
What I Do at School
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 4 What do you do at school? This book uses simple action words to describe what...
Jobs in the Arctic
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 3 What are some jobs people have in the North? This book features different jobs people...
What We Need for Our Trip
Written by Nadia SammurtokIllustrated by Ali HinchLevel 6 We have a lot to pack for our trip! This book features...
Celebrations in Nunavut
Written by Aviaq JohnstonIllustrated by Lenny LishchenkoLevel 10 In Nunavut, there are a lot of things to celebrate! This book...
Places in the Community
Illustrated by Amiel SandlandLevel 3 What is in your community? This book features the names of different places in a...
Big, Bigger, Biggest
Written by Nadia SammurtokIllustrated by Lenny LishchenkoLevel 6 Which animal is biggest? This book helps children practise comparison words by...
Arctic Vehicles
Written by Keriann KenneyLevel 9 What kinds of vehicles do people use in the North? This non-fiction book introduces children...