Indigenous Authors

Indigenous Authors

Browse our books by Indigenous authors. Many of our titles are written by Inuit authors, including traditional stories, memoirs, non-fiction books, and contemporary stories. We also have three volumes of Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection, which features comic book stories by contributors from across North America showcasing the rich heritage and identity of Indigenous storytelling.
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The Shaman Who Became Many Animals
Adapted by Jaypeetee ArnakakIllustrated by Tindur Peturs and Sigmundur Thorgeirsson How did Inuit come to know so much about Arctic...
Wolf, Gull, and Raven
Adapted by Barbara Olson Illustrated by Amiel Sandland “Long ago, there was a wolf, a gull, and a raven.” Wolf,...
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Sanirajak, A Place I Love
Written by Alice QanaqtsiaqIllustrated by Julia Galotta  Alice loves her community, and she’s excited to show others her favourite things...
My Trip to Pond Inlet
Written by Solomon AwaIllustrated by Emma Pedersen One rainy day, Solomon is playing inside with his sister. Their mom is cooking...
Traditional Inuit Games from Arviat
Written and illustrated by Donald Uluadluak “Inuit games have been played all over the Arctic for a very long time....